The Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules (HC 895)
The Home Office has published a new statement of changes to the Immigration Rules (HC895).
The purposes of the changes are to:
• Ensure that an asylum claim can be deemed inadmissible, and not be substantively considered by the
UK, if another EU Member State has already granted the claimant international protection.
• Make changes and clarifications to Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules relating to family life.
• Make the annual update to the Appendix V list of Permit Free Festivals.
The changes made to Appendix FM clarify that those on a 5-year route to settlement must meet all eligibility requirements, including the immigration status, financial and English language requirements, at every application stage including where indefinite leave to remain is sought after five years, in order to be granted leave. On the asylum change, the change is in line with both the UK’s established policy on safe third countries, and the EU’s objective in reducing the secondary movements of those granted international protection. The changes take effect on 6 April 2018.
The full text of the Statement of Changes can be found at: